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Why is Documentation of Personal Injuries Important?

Were you injured in an accident? Then it is important to ensure that your injuries and symptoms are properly documented. In order for your medical team to provide the best care, they need to be advised of all your injuries and symptoms.  Proper documentation will assist them in providing the appropriate care. Documentation will also help you or your counsel in proving your losses and damages if you decide to make a bodily injury claim.

In any civil lawsuit, a plaintiff is required to prove their claim by using evidence, which should show: (in no particular order)

  • The nature of your injuries and resulting pain, symptoms, suffering, and mental anguish

  • Cause of your injuries

  • Medical expenses incurred

  • Future medical expenses needed or likely to be incurred

  • Impairment or disability

  • Current and future losses relating to housekeeping capacity

  • Current and future losses of income or earning capacity

Accordingly, proper documentation of your injuries will often form the evidentiary foundation needed to ensure you receive fair compensation.

Seek medical attention and treat your symptoms as recommended

Injuries caused by someone else's negligence may not be immediate and they can also be hidden or internal. If you start to experience any symptoms at all after an accident, it is highly advisable to seek professional medical attention as soon as possible.

It is crucial that you truthfully report all your pain and symptoms to all your care providers, which may include hospital or emergency staff, family or attending physicians, therapists, and chiropractors.  Your wellness providers will then be able to properly diagnose your injuries, and recommend the appropriate treatment as necessary. It is also important to follow the advice of your care providers treatment or therapy plans as recommended.  Your care providers are obligated to record your symptoms and their findings in their clinical notes, which can assist you or your personal injury attorney in proving your injury case.  It is also helpful to retain any records provided to you that relate to your treatment such as physician or care provider notes or letters, invoices, receipts, and insurance documentation.

Document your injuries with photos & videos

Taking photographs or videos of your injuries may be helpful in providing objective evidence that may form an important part of your case. Your smartphone will work just fine in video recording or taking photos of your accident and injuries.

Keep a daily record of your injuries or symptoms

Keeping a daily journal/diary can help show the impact of your injuries (physical, mental, and emotional) on your life.  Mory & Colliersmith, PLLC has provided a journal/diary sheet you can print out to make tracking your injuries/symptoms from your accident easy.

The sheet will cover the following:

  • All your injuries and symptoms that you may suffer from

  • Corresponding pain and impairment or disability

  • Emotional/mental state or stress

  • Impact on your family, social, and other relationships

  • Impact on your recreational activities

  • Impact on your housekeeping chores

  • Impact on your work or work duties

  • Medical appointments including physicians, specialists, and therapists seen

  • Medications taken

In addition, personal injury claims often take several years before a resolution is obtained or reached.  This journal/diary will help refresh your memory including what you have gone through since the accident.

Need help with a personal injury claim in Kentucky?

If you have been injured in an auto, car, or truck accident in Kentucky, the experienced lawyers at Mory & Colliersmith, PLLC are willing to help.  Book a free consultation with us for an initial case evaluation.


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